David Steffens is going to make his debut at Vienna Volksoper on 30 October 2016.

He will sing the title role in Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (in German) under the baton of Christof Prick. In March 2017 he will also perform this role in the original language at Stuttgart State Theatre.

On Saturday 9th June 2016 from 8pm you can watch the new production of Mozart’s “Abduction from the Seraglio” in a direct stream from Lyon Opera. The performance will be available on the French website CultureBox. David Steffens sings Osmin – in the other parts: Jane Archibald (Konstanze), Cyrille Dubois (Belmonte), Michael Laurenz (Pedrillo), Joanna Wydorska (Blonde) and Peter Lohmeyer (Bassa Selim). Stefano Montanari conducts the Orchestre de la Opéra national de Lyon.


Stuttgart State Opera has released the schedule for the upcoming season 2016/17.

David Steffens is going to make his debut as Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro) and is going to appear as  1. Nazarener (Salome), Zuniga (Carmen), Angelotti (Tosca) and in the new production of Pique Dame as Ssurin.